Best Tips to Speed Up Your Joomla Site

No one wants to wait for a site to load. And that’s why we need to minimize the loading period when building a website.Today in this article we will introduce you 10 best tips to speed up a Joomla site.

Actually, this is not a new topic but we really hope that it can help. Let’s choose the most suitable ones for yourself.

Before apply these tips, let’s check to see the current speed of your site. You can use Google Pagespeed Insights for full details.

And here is the most expected part, the tips.

Please note that your site should be backed up before changing anything.


It’s crucial for you to choose the right host for your site. This is the decisive factor to slow or speed up your site no matter how well you have optimized your Joomla site.

Therefore, before choosing a hosting, you should find more information in the forum. Let’s find a web hosting that is best suitable with your site demand: web space, monthly traffic, data transfer, backup, database type support, CDN, etc.


If you enable the cache in your site, it will be more responsive. Luckily, Joomla is capable of serving 3 types of cache: Component views, Module views and Page views.

The first 2 settings are determined by one setting in your Systems > Global Configuration and set it as Conservative. Optionally you can also set the time different than the default of 15 minutes.

If globally, cache is switched on, you can switch it off again for specific modules from the Advanced tab in selected modules. Page views are only cached if you switch on the System - Cache plugin in the Extensions> Plugin. Just set it to Enabled, and leave default parameters.


In Systems > Global Configuration, on the Server tab, you will find the setting to turn on Gzip:

By this way, your pages are compressed in a zip-file, sent to the browser on your PC, and unpacked there. Except for really ancient versions of IE, it is supported in all browsers, and should be safe to turn on.

To use this function, please make sure that your host supports mod_gzip.


It’s true that any Joomla site needs extensions. However it’s really important for us to choose the good ones. Some extensions need additional Javascripts, connect to the remote network, or take time to be loaded can surely slow you down terribly.

Also, any unneeded extensions should be removed even they are not in use.


After renaming your htaccess.txt file into .htaccess, you can add some code to prevent browser to request specific image types from the server if they are already present on your PC.

<IfModule mod_expires.c>
   ExpiresActive On
   ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 seconds"
   ExpiresByType text/html "access plus 600 seconds"
   ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 604800 seconds"
   ExpiresByType text/javascript "access plus 216000 seconds"
   ExpiresByType application/xhtml+xml "access plus 600 seconds"
   ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 2592000 seconds"
   ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 2592000 seconds"
   ExpiresByType etc, etc.

By this way, you can reduce the loading time.


We can’t deny the important role of the images in a website. However, images account for for more KB's than the rest of your web page and that’s why they need optimizing.

Firstly, you should use the image with correct size. Secondly, you can use the compression tools to further reduce the size by stripping the unnecessary data.


CND or Content Delivery Network is the one that can serve your static files from the global network of the CND provider. By this way, the user far from the server can receive the files faster from the nearest location.

This tip is not only good for sites operating globally, but also specially for sites in large countries.


Most Joomla sites now have many CSS and Javascript files which will all add up in size AND number of HTTP-requests. Also they will take lots of time for loading the site while they are executing.

Luckily, you can over this issue by:

  • Compressing these files.
  • Combining multiple files into one.
  • Using a defer or a sync attribute in the scripts to execution.

If you’re an amateur, you can use the extension for this optimization.


One of the easiest ways to optimize your site is to use the speed up extensions. Just after installation and some configuration steps, your site will be significantly speeded up!

JCH-Optimize and JBetolo are ones of them.

Optimize for mobile devices

Even if your site loads fast on a desktop, it may not perform very well on mobile devices. If you use the Google Pagespeed tool to check the speed of your site, you may have seen a separate tab for mobile performance. Even with improved techniques like 4G, sites still may not load fast enough.

The key to improving this is to only load what is really needed. Hiding stuff with bootstrap classes like hidden-phone and hidden-tablet does not decrease bandwidth needed. One possibility is to use user-agent detection to check if you are on a mobile device, not just on a resized browser window. Having detected a mobile agent, you can then selectively disable module positions.

Here are the tips collected from Joomla Magazine, we hope that they are useful for you. Let's build your site greatly and get higher rank on search engine.